let's make sales social again
our story
It was summer 2023 and we were going nuts!
We were a young start-up.
Barely a year old, we were still building our product and fighting each day to recruit early adopters and first customers.
Founded post-COVID, we are a distributed and remote team.
As such we depend on social networks, communities, and Linkedin.
But in the beginning, managing our activities seemed unbearably hard.
Who should follow which influencer?
Which post should we engage with?
Has everyone reacted to the founder’s latest post?
Tracking and managing all your social tasks, activities and contacts is a daunting task.
Even if you are in single-player mode. But as a team?
If you are trying to play it as a team sport, it gets exponentially more complex.
At some point, we understood: We can’t manage what we can’t measure!
And so we built a small tool to collect each team member’s Linkedin activity in a database and show it in an internal dashboard.
Word got out, and soon people were flocking to us, asking if they could have that tool, too.
Two weeks later we packaged it into a stand-alone product.
Four weeks later, we decided to make that tool the focus of our attention.
Fast forward 6 months: We have over 160 companies using our software, over 800 B2B sellers, tens of thousands of measurements collected in our databases. We suddenly have extensive behavioural data of B2B Sales Teams and their Linkedin activity that we can analyse and learn from.
This is how we started building Teamfluence™ - based on evidence and data science.
We are building it for people like us.
For people who believe that sales is social in nature.
That markets are conversations.
That humans want to talk to humans, not machines.
That sending more and more spam cannot be the answer.
Now we are on a mission:
To make sales social again. To make it personal, not transactional. To bring back the joy of helping.
This is our journey.
Join us.